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Sunday School 

St. Paul curriculum uses child involved lessons to bring Sunday school to life.  There are games, crafts, songs and so much for the kids to participate in.


St.Paul’s Sunday School Shepherd Program

         According to the Holman Bible Dictionary, shepherds and shepherding is mentioned over 200 times in the Bible  The New Testament mentions shepherds 16 times. The shepherd is a central image in our Christian faith.  Shepherds feed, guide and protect their sheep.  Jesus spoke of Himself as “the good shepherd” who knew His sheep and would lay down His life for them (John 10:7-18 ).   

         With all this talk about shepherds, the Christian Education Committee needs “shepherds” for our Christian Education Program.  We are asking a parent or guardian from each family to sign up to be a St. Paul “shepherd”.  As a shepherd, you will be assigned to help a teacher at least once a month during Sunday school.  Your help may come in the form of assisting with a craft or cooking project, reading a story, or preparing a snack, etc.  You don’t have to prepare prior to Sunday. Just show up and be that extra pair of hands, ears and eyes to help guide our youth during Sunday school.  


Rally Day 2014

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