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Sundays at 9 A.M.

Sunday School for all ages at 10:15 A.M.


Holy Communion: 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month & Festivals




**Air Conditioned and Handicapped Accessible**


Sunday School

Adult Sunday School:

Every Sunday at 10:15 A.M. in Spies Hall


Christian Education is not just "kids stuff".  It is important for adults too!  


Our class works to blend our faith with current events and learn how we can live out our daily lives as God's people.


We meet in the Spies Hall to allow for social distancing and we invite you to grab a cup of coffee, pull up a chair and be ready to share your insights as well as a few laughs as we learn how we can take our faith out of the church and into our daily lives.


See you at 10:15am on Sunday mornings!


Our next series topic starting September 12th. The Adult Sunday School class is participating in a study entitled “One Nation Under God – Healing the Racial Divides In Our Country.” The author, the Rev. B. Keith Haney, has been an ordained pastor for 27 years, and has served multi-ethnic urban congregations in Detroit, St. Louis and Milwaukee. “During a time in which racial tensions are escalating, Christians are searching for ways to tear down the racial walls dividing our county. This six-session study charts a pathway to being that healing process. Forgiveness is not something humans can do on their own, it requires God changing human hearts as His people search through His Word.​

Christian Education

The Christian Education Committee, in addition to Sunday School and Congregational Education, is proud to sponsor events such as the Children's Christmas Program & Pageant, Jr. & Sr. Confirmation, The Annual Confirmation Dinner for Confirmands and their families, the Annual Easter Egg Hunt & Children's Easter Celebration, The Annual Halloween Party & High School Haunted House, Luther League Programing, Sunday School Ice Cream Social Celebration, Mischellaneous Service & Mission Projects as well as our Annual Vacation Bible School Program.

If you are interested in sharing your time & talents with this committee or if you would simply like more information, please contact a committee member or the church office.  New members are always welcome!


"If it is to serve, we should serve; if it is to teach, we should teach; if it is to encourage others, we should do so.  Whoever shares with others should do it generously; whoever has authority should work hard; whoever shows kindness to others should do it cheerfully."

~ Romans 12:7-8 ~


Our Mission Statement:

The Christian Education Committee, in association with the pastor, shall oversee the conduct and promotion of the school(s) and the activities of all organizations within the congregation.  It shall encourage the use of teaching and worship materials published or approved by the ELCA, and seek to introduce the church's periodicals and books of family devotion into the homes of the congregation.  One of the primary aims of the ministry of Christian Education shall be to bring the call to the ministry of the Gospel and to other full-time church vocations to the attention of the congregation.

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