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Social Ministry


​Denise Bartleson

Dawn Bartron

Dawne Ladeas

Deb Storman

Leanna Wickline


Our Social Ministry Committee manages and runs our Community Assistance Programs like the Strunk Food Pantry and Christ's Cafe.  The Committee runs many other annual programs to help the needy within our own Congregation and the surrounding community.  They send out college care packages during finals week, put together mailings for shuts-ins, collect food for and assemble Thanksgiving Food Baskets and Christmas Food Baskets.  The members of this committee also work closely with our Christian Education Committee in order to include our Youth Group and Sunday School classes in these charitable projects. Currently, the committee is in contact with many local community advocacy groups to be of assistance to them as needs arise within the community.


Social Ministry is always in need of extra hands.  New members are welcome to join at any time.  Let anyone on the committee know if you are aware of someone in need.  All requests for assistance are kept confidential.  Taking care of our neighbors is all part of God's plan for us. 




“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” 

Philippians 2:4


Our Mission Statement:

The purpose of this committee shall be to extend Christian compassion and helpfulness to the ill, the aged, the orphaned, the underprivileged, the imprisoned and, in general, to persons of all ages in need of aid in body or soul. It shall strive to enlist in these efforts as many possible of the individual members and organizations of the congregation. This committee shall further have the duty to study conditions, primarily in the local community, in order to bring the cleansing and healing light of Christian truth to bear upon critical problems through thoughtful Christian discussion of facts and issues.

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